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City Hunter Bio Paintjob

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Hello Hunters!!!

Here is a quick step-by-step guide on how I painted this helmet. There are many ways to paint bios and this is just an alternative method to achieve the metallic look.


I bought this bio a while back and it was on a shelf until now.

This is how I received the bio and the copper color it came with.



After washing and cleaning the bio with rubbing alcohol, I used a black satin primer.

I added gold leaves mostly to the front of the bio ( I was using a SW photo as a reference for where the shinny parts were more noticeable )

If you never used gold leaf, don't be intimidated by it. Is very simple (just have a vacuum at hand and painters tape)

Get a gold leaf kit from amazon (link at the bottom of the post) Follow the instructions on how to apply it.



After letting the gold leaf cure for 12 hours, I sealed it and let it cure for another 6 hours.

You can see that the gold leaf overlaps over the black. You need to dry brush the edges of the gold leaf to give it a more smooth seam.

Now is to blending in colors. All of this colors were dry brushed onto the bio. 

1) Folkart Treasure Gold: Gold - This will be your base color on the bio, make sure you cover over the gold leaf. Since the GL is sealed you can go over with the base color and give a more natural look by blending both. Let some of the black primer color bleed for a better aged effect.

2)Golden: Iridescent Bronze

3) Folkart Antique Copper - I barely used this color just to add a bit of contrast to my paintjob.




Looking at the reference photo that I used for this paintjob I've noticed that the shading color was more of a dark brown look than a black.

I used Createx's Bloodline "Decay" to shade with an airbrush  over the deep parts of the bio.

Still the bio needed more of grimy look in certain areas (over the Decay color) - Cast iron stove polish paste is a great way to achieve this. Use very little, because it has a bit of an oily texture and you don't want to mess around too much over acrylic paint (they don't mix well, if you put too much. It will rub off) You can dry brush it over the edges where you painted using the Decay color.



Next was the weathering. 

Used a weathering patina kit from Testors. I went very lightly with it, since the reference photo I used did not have much of that weathered effect. You see it on the close up photos.







Everything was sealed with Spraymax Matte clear coat.

And now for some pictures 🙂

Good luck with your build and I hope this help some of you new and OG hunters!!!



Chris / m0nstersh0p

And follow me on Instagram for more of my work: https://www.instagram.com/m0nstersh0p/?next=%2F

And Youtube for videos and other tutorials:  Monstershop1











Before and After





Gold Leaf Kit: https://www.amazon.com/Wadities-Gilding-Adhesive-Varnish-Painting/dp/B0C5J13NYS/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=B08KKBGE745O&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.XB8A82p2lpXCw030F3Mt5kxR5KS7w4XFXAc95W1iDoSwtAWwJGSmB3VdhOhXGFbCqR8_C9cjtAULemrno8RLLrmVv-G6HtGOsODvhwRIoXFqZESR8KSzylN-PsEA1801YndWN_wjtS6pEHuXAXjq6lF8bBYEGsVeoczJ2tCOFGuw8i9A3EI2ADlUpaCZbZUhZUB46tlFH-I8ToE49ZqzEvcJ2crFslCdcWlY-ZPwsGfeNmqEQmRSk7YjpAYg5lTDoW872YecucuE7ZFoTeb0x9tJu1IfdNa5xLdYDfezsXA.lId9Et2eqA1xU63EWivGMvqGtTTOmDkHhT9FRD24aAA&dib_tag=se&keywords=gold+leaf+kit&qid=1720536175&sprefix=gold+leaf+ki%2Caps%2C120&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1

Testors Patina kit: https://www.amazon.com/Modern-Masters-306270-Effects-Oxidizing/dp/B01LWT1L65/ref=sr_1_1?crid=W811LEE63ZUL&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.cNbM_D3naXgPYhASEJs2wae539nRQMr_DSzuUyvc7VeAQvYrlRx5vTcQdpfZTSqWKe0mJjpp5aPK-ItY2XmKjJYV0Xry4SP1L0wV1AHLR1QZ6-IV28keecpTbXGn35JQMBl8J6fCbSXY4OyxROfi96VPexEBcN5G5VkrhmyO3NjY2kIemX9Hv0OqTfEBnmYhRTV-rSRRP--XrVzkcPxu2Eex9m-XSFGy33wAm974KVamQQg-vgL3rkwB9Q4N0Kf5ZjbeegxmTxJUfZd0lcPUIRCEzu8Kea3_-OesuLqbQdQ.yxtMCqsWwQE3Nmgk4DzzevCaBTZzxt-Xob8FJ5vCV8g&dib_tag=se&keywords=patina%2Bweathering%2Bkit%2Bcraft&qid=1720535707&sprefix=patina%2Bweathering%2Bkit%2Bcraft%2Caps%2C122&sr=8-1&th=1

Folkart Treasure Gold: Gold https://www.amazon.com/FolkArt-Treasure-Brilliant-Metallic-Antique/dp/B084WDNSJ5/ref=sr_1_76?crid=1VZNB1G2RIMV0&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.VA97gb-uohtd_xhBl_IV1vtZY4Z0_LWsc_HqLtTSTH7Di2JWRPNbOtTH7DFG0IEBZ-jyqMJgATzH8IweVry9hGzW3MMP3kueDlnnXk62eHpeR6QRv6JR86VccD1oVRA95iWdjCbcW48zKrowczBBHX-zU7sqddxAJdG4Z_Mt3z2nNssu6v_cOox-FjcplYYqQMkD-F8MyA24lhfk0bZOYf7JYQRdD79kSdHbwBGRuW_EIg9ePydZzA85Wck_gaqUV6m7MTYaH9W5YCwn6TpU2LKQ_6ir_XF6ZN-ivM7lb8k.ArceVxUlxz7xiraYxUohdJO9tWjlDMrDta5Awfh-5D8&dib_tag=se&keywords=bronze%2Bacrylic%2Bpaint&qid=1720533663&sprefix=bronze%2Bacrylic%2Bpaint%2Caps%2C104&sr=8-76&th=1

Golden Iridescent Bronze: https://www.amazon.com/Golden-Fluid-Acrylic-Paint-Ounce-Iridescent/dp/B0027AAJ34/ref=sr_1_4?crid=26Z5AKR2Q43AN&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.XOewStCvcjONTZv_ZStoaP1y58ZQnm3ArGwjP3g1gWPOP98MEH-yGRdwJn-nj8eMR5q9Y7WVpXG6-mfhD43YZCpnF3TicQhut97xpzzTKZaZNydssgms9tIooypWYkERJ_QMRGmjioxFMt9suCrioiW8Yq_7c1N9M6Sv8igc5r8VFUgtfys97cTBcLaaEaZnw_3BrbnU6rC4vh272x22NoyZpd0Snnnwy95qwJQI2JrjRNHeTv4g2YWQwScv6jnD4I6NrDptSlvqM3kxDkyrYD7IIBgv5v7QmQg1QqfGH6Y.Zzsv9WdG27LEAwwqQNvON9hbwx8hsE80c66eT8y4y1Y&dib_tag=se&keywords=bronze+acrylic+paint+golden&qid=1720534611&sprefix=bronze+acrylic+paint+golden%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-4

Folkart Copper: https://www.amazon.com/FolkArt-Metallic-Acrylic-Assorted-Antique/dp/B004QTRS9M/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1465LQLZI9UJR&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.DkhkkJBI4qjZrW3JxSulpYgHbixXqogb6WmWfw-0ijINQwXCdAbKOp0XFZqoycfz2FYWL35XiQa10-JEJIIa81xyVbW4pqKpO-pNUX870ElgMebaRcfZDpaH6BNZEUdPVMrpBI6y8bP2RyfnkKahmJptJwDKiiUs3EGo5avnl8Q2R2wjSfgb3DzhRDy7nJzoBjBWww5o_THsnVve0Uul8cKARq02PG2f7SmOjSB5R80aZZ8weRlXpMubNMQ-jJo0dM0YjJsUOk0uXO5bpylNrjzZoddHxXxV4gM-uS-h5JU.9RUQUU_r6t2t9yGq2L_Ie0mRCIU5EfqxSb5wx1WRQic&dib_tag=se&keywords=acrylic%2Bpaint%2Bcopper&qid=1720534528&sprefix=acrylic%2Bpaint%2Bcopper%2Caps%2C123&sr=8-5&th=1

Cast Iron stove polish: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07G2PPLJ1?ref=nb_sb_ss_w_as-reorder-t1_k0_1_20&amp=&crid=3RX34D36J8YUY&amp=&sprefix=cast+iron+stove+clea

Spraymax Matte clear coat: https://www.amazon.com/USC-Spraymax-Matte-Clearcoat-3680065/dp/B0178ABUVM/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2YAUTV1CO2SIM&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.DYFeEWpgziSnJAo2caWsggsc4CCQoC5dpEALdrjp59WPBIDP_kbipsn2YGGJzinA-yayfvvqdBkb_7EqKztCoX_3NdRjfDPej28fSPzzVNOOMq4epZD95s_T68ZzJlfEtxjaq31_R4xY3k94EF6499WHarRnRA9LNrlHXcElqOwu3rLsEihtNvRixIgqTQjXYMXQ9JOyGuEK8NGshpScG-EplY78zduSKqvOCRZPMRxwPSn70qRzG7xQdfKhm5s7_hYY8Sf_Sjdnu8g8xqb3NFKjp79aeOGXUmbVosb7o2U.MKLCmiS6shf-X301P4hgGSCzPxgexJT-Oj9rMcKe0qo&dib_tag=se&keywords=2k+clear+coat+matte&qid=1720535908&sprefix=2k+clear+coat+%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-2


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